News & Events

Career Pathways: Job Shadowing Scheme

At SCO we are dedicated to enrich the career prospects of our teammates. We believe that everyone has untapped potential and it’s important to us that everyone in our business understands how they can build their career here with us.

Recognition: Ensuring everyone feels valued

Wellbeing is high on our agenda here at SCO. We love that our team bring their best of selves to work each and every day - but we know that sometimes people might need a little more help and support.

SCO for Growth: Acquiring additional office space

We are pleased to announce we have acquired additional office space at our current location in Stevenage, Herts. The additional office provides us with ample space for our growth plan providing great scalability within our current location.

Wellbeing in the Workplace & Beyond: Our Employee Assistance Programme.

Wellbeing is high on our agenda here at SCO. We love that our team bring their best of selves to work each and every day - but we know that sometimes people might need a little more help and support.

A Roadmap for Success

Things happening in our business do not just happen by accident. They are carefully planned, well thought through and project managed to ensure successful implementation and then measurement.

Celebrating Pride Month: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Workplace.

We are proud of our organisations commitments to promote equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in our workplace. We believe everyone should feel included, respected, and heard, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or origin.

SCO for Growth: Creating more job opportunities in our local community

We are pleased to announce we are expanding with an existing client, enabling us to provide more jobs and career opportunities within our local community.

World Class On-boarding: Our Recruitment Advantage

Using an outsourcer means we take the pain away of all your recruitment needs. That’s why we’re excited to share a snapshot of our on-boarding process, demonstrating our commitment to finding the best fit for our roles.

Company Wide Holiday Incentive at SCO: Fourth year running!

We are pleased to announce we are running a company wide holiday incentive, for the fourth year running! At SCO, ‘company culture’ isn’t just a buzz word – creating a working environment where everyone feels included, supported, respected, and heard is pivotal to our success.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Our Commitment

We are proud to share our CSR strategy, which reflects our commitment to delivering our services in an ethical and professional manner, whilst making a positive contribution to our local community.

Lunch with Our CEO: A Recipe for Connection and Insight

We believe that the best ideas don’t always emerge from formal meetings or meticulously crafted PowerPoint presentations. Sometimes, they come from informal and unplanned conversations.

Partner with Confidence: Our Accreditation Advantage

When you’re considering outsourcing, the security of your data is paramount. That’s why we’re excited to share that we’ve once again achieved ISO/IEC 27001 and PCI DSS accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to the highest standards of information security and data protection.

The New Step Change Outsourcing Website is LIVE!

Our brand new website is here – after a week of activity behind the scenes we were delighted to GO LIVE! with our brand new website on Friday 19th April. The project has been managed in-house by our marketing and IT teams and we think it is a shining example of the innovation and skills we have in our team.

Our annual conference: Looking ahead to an exciting year of growth in 2024

In January we held our annual conference, where we brought the whole team together to celebrate the successes of 2023 and to share our ambitious plans for growth in the year ahead. The event was a huge success and the room was buzzing with energy, team spirit and a shared vision for the future.

Forging A New Strategic Partnership: Welcoming a New Client DAZN

We are thrilled to announce a partnership with DAZN, the world’s largest, fastest-growing sports streaming service, as their UK retention partner.

Celebrating 14 Years of Growth and Resilience: Looking back, looking forward

14 years ago, fuelled by passion and determination, we embarked on a journey to build something meaningful. As we celebrate our 14th year we look back on the milestones, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped us into the thriving business we are.

New Step Change Outsourcing Office in Stevenage: Looking to the future in our new workspace

This year we will celebrate three years in our ‘new’ location. In 2021 we made a strategic move to enhance the space we work in with a move to new offices in Stevenage. Our offices are designed to meet the evolving needs of our growing business combining comfort, technology, convenience, and flexibility.